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Yongnian city of industry promoting standard upgrade

Clicks:25022017-03-03 14:39:05 source: Handan city Ou Chen metal products Co.,Ltd.

Hebei Yongnian pay attention to play the guiding role of the government in power, the burden of efficiency at the same time, through the construction of industrial city (China Yongnian standard parts standard parts of International Building, National Testing Center, e-commerce platform, standard parts industry cluster index platform), actively promote the transformation and upgrading of industry standard parts, on one hand, the elimination of backward production capacity, a the more the better resource aggregation to the famous brand in the enterprise, so that the Yongnian standard parts industry by the "big" and "sophisticated", by "dinghy" and "aircraft carrier".
East Ming Yang Industrial Zone,Yongnian County,Handan,Hebei,China 056000
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COPYRIGHT    Ou Chen Metal www.oc-metal.com.   East Ming Yang Industrial Zone,Yongnian County,Handan,Hebei,China